Species Groups

ceratopsia order

Ceratopsia: Exploring the Horned Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic

Of all the prehistoric animals to exist, dinosaurs are among the most fascinating, catching and holding the interests of scientists and regular people alike. With over a thousand species unearthed, dinosaurs had some of the most diverse appearances of any animal. Many people typically describe these animals as large and threatening, but there are also […]

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thyreophora suborder

Thyreophora Suborder: The Spiked and Plated Dinosaurs

Despite being extinct for millions of years, dinosaurs are still some of the world’s most famous animals for several reasons, especially their size and strength. Although many species and groups of the Dinosauria superorder, one of the most well-known was the Thyreophora suborder. These dinosaurs were known for their remarkable armor-like features. With many formidable

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ornithischia order

Ornithischia Order: The History of The Bird-Hipped Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have captivated our imagination for centuries, conjuring up images of awe-inspiring creatures that once ruled the ancient Earth. These enormous reptiles belonged to the Dinosauria superorder, which further divides into the Saurischia and the Ornithischia order. While the Saurischia order includes “lizard-hipped dinosaurs,” dinosaurs under the Ornithischia order are “bird-hipped”. Although markedly distinct from

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Gage Beasly Prehistoric's Theropoda Suborder Concept

Theropoda Suborder: The Beast-Footed Dinosaurs

With their diverse forms and awe-inspiring sizes, dinosaurs have left an indelible mark on our planet’s history. As scientists tirelessly unravel the mysteries of these ancient creatures, a fundamental aspect of their study lies in understanding dinosaur classifications. Although all dinosaurs belonged to the Dinosauria superorder, there are several other classifications within this superorder. Researchers

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Gage Beasly Prehistoric's Saurischia Order Concept

Saurischia Order: The History of The Lizard-Hipped Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs, the magnificent creatures that once roamed the Earth, continue to captivate our imagination and curiosity. Within the larger classification of dinosaurs, the Saurischia order is a crucial group that played a pivotal role in shaping the world’s terrestrial ecosystems. The Saurischia order is one of the two primary orders of the Dinosauria superorder, the

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Gage Beasly Prehistoric's Dinosauria Concept

Dinosauria: A Comprehensive Guide to Terrible Lizards

The Dinosauria superorder is a group of predominantly enormous reptiles between 231 and 65 million years ago, during the Mesozoic Era. Dinosaurs dominated the Earth for over 165 million years and witnessed several significant evolutionary changes. The term “Dinosauria,” or “terrible lizard,” was first used by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe the Megalosaurus,

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